2011年7月30日 星期六



2011年7月22日 星期五


REAL Optimus Prime









朋友目前久居舊金山,不論是耳聞或照片,能想像出客廳窗外能看見Golden Gate Bridge的幸福感。很興奮的,朋友帶了近來大片幅的正片作品,從一張又一張的彩色或黑白正片,窗戶灑下的光,和說不清是法文還是西班牙文的樂曲,一個適合的溫度,舊金山夏天也只有18度的溫度,坐在咖啡館裡,腦海浮現的是我最喜歡他拍的一張照片,是粉紅色的Golden Gate Bridge,似乎能用3D或是想像乘坐在直升機上用各種角度欣賞粉紅色的Golden Gate Bridge,舊金山我沒去過,倒是在那兒的朋友不少,用耳朵和照片,至少我也曾活在舊金山。

Golden Gate Bridge、市政廳、Fishermans Wharf、在好多電影裡看見好多花的彎彎曲曲的Lombard Street,我想,我現在的工作或許就是要來圓滿去這些地方吧。

是粉紅色的Golden Gate Bridge,咖啡廳也瞬間成粉紅色的了。


粉紅色的Golden Gate Bridge

2011年7月20日 星期三







2011年7月16日 星期六

(2009舊文章) Gifts

thank u SEAN, u gave me so much special movie films to let me have enough practices. so sweet friend i have^^

(2009舊文章) photographers friends

those r my photographers friends. i met them in XueXue. although i don't really appreciate the company's operation, i always have to thank for the opportunity they gave to me to meet those guys. especially sb doesn't appear in this pic.

(2009舊文章) Kahlil Gibran's poem

The lights of stars that were extinguished ages ago still reach us.

So it is with great men who died centuries ago,

but stil reach us with the radiations of their personalities.

(2009舊文章) non

In a lazy afternoon,  
Michael Bubble and William Joseph's songs can make me more relax,
or more thoughtful.
I try to not recall some musics linking some memories i hide in my deep mind.
or somebody's flavor i don't want to remember. 
Every thing is just like a river, never returns at all.
Somebody just stay in one point of our life,
not accompany with us to grow up.
We keep going forward,
but sometimes we want to stop to look back-
somethings we throwed away.
Those things including rewards, mistakes, sorrows, happiness
all make me more mature in different stages.
Now i have a fortune life,
i must appreciate those precious experiences,
and everyone i met in the past.
I hope i can spread my fortune to u,
especially my friends who support me in my painful time. 


(2009舊文章) the preface of KODAK's book

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was th epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way-that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

(2009舊文章) YOU & me


BB, I miss u so much...
especially in a lonely and dark night!!
we've not seen each other for very long time.(that i thought so.)
i'm shame to express my feel in chinese,
maybe use the un-mother-tongue language could  be easy to tell u,
what i really miss u and love u  ^/////^

Tonight, I saw our Hualien traveling pics,
u'r so chubby, so am i
i worry if someday i become old and fat,
do u still love me (or more)?
thank u for bringing me to the camera world,
thank u for enduring my capricious personality,
thank u for repairing my (and my family's)eletric equipments.
and most important thing is....

(2009舊文章) Like in the dream

Those two days, the warm sun appeared from thicker clouds. Huang, a friend I'd never seen for long time, Chen, my elementary school classmate, and I drove two motors to the north coast. And I brough my lovely camera(although I will sell it to my bf = ="), took many pics, and finally i shoot the buty girl. When I came home, I found the picture like a dream, the girl was like an angle. The lovely angle soon disappeared from my sight, just like yesterday, I also found an angel with blond curly hair. I didn't have enough time to take my camera out from bag, she just got on her mom's car and went away. The beautiful image stays in my head, but there's no method to exchange it to a real pic. The story told me, I have to bring my camera no matter where I go. And i think it's time to buy a higher class camera-NIKON D700^^(Waste money doesn't need any excuse~HA)

2011年7月13日 星期三





2011年7月6日 星期三


i feel full of fortune in my life NOW !!
thank you ,dad, thank you for encouraging me to pursue what i really want. u support me to do my job of art related without concerning your wealth and fortune. u inspire me to keep dream in my recent life- no matter what kind of diploma i have. all things seem to be shaped in nature, but there's just only a little obstacle in my heart. i will try my best to jump into the world i want. i will conquer everything i meet to fulfill the objective. u maybe don't know how i'm so proud of u dad. i so appreciate i have you, such great dad, nobody can be. only tears understand who i am and what i feel. i love u, dad, FOREVER.

2011年7月1日 星期五

take my camera to the unexpected voyage. 

energy burning!!

I've felt so energetic since june first i had to arrange my thesis and pt job and job interview at the same time. The sleepy girl who had to sleep LOOOOOONG time and must take snap everyday  has been gone?! Just like yesterday, I got serious cold and almost completely cannot speak. Surprisingly, i can get up early and run from Tainan to Taipei and Taipei to Tainan to fulfill all important tasks I had to do until 2:30. Then, i get up early AGAIN!!!! it's time 6:16 without any alarm noise!!!???? Still get the allergy nose and lose my voice ><  Then, after two hours,  i will take a journey to Ilan and drive by myself for over 7 hours. Is that too dangerous?! even though my health doesn't allow me to do those crazy thing~~but, hahahahaha, the whole energy control my heart and let me feel so powerful to sleep less than 4 hours everyday for weeks. Should i see doctor again and check my body again? OOPS! immediately, I seems to feel a little bit terrible about my omnipotent spirit. @@
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